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Matsuyama ⇔ Hiroshima of Car Ferry

Timetable of Car Ferry

Normal Schedule

Matsuyama Kanko
Port Departure
Kure (Central pier)
Hiroshima Port
Cruise No. Hiroshima Port
Kure (Central Pier)
Matsuyama Kanko
Port Arrival
6:25 8:20 9:05 1 5:45 8:10
8:25 10:20 11:05 2 6:45 7:30 9:25
9:35 11:30 12:15 3 8:15 9:00 10:55
11:05 13:00 13:45 4 9:20 10:05 12:00
12:15 14:10 14:55 5 11:20 12:05 14:00
14:15 16:10 16:55 6 12:25 13:10 15:05
15:20 17:15 18:00 7 13:55 14:40 16:35
16:50 18:45 19:30 8 15:10 15:55 17:50
18:05 20:00 20:45 9 17:15 18:00 19:55
20:10 22:05 22:50 10 19:45 20:30 22:25
Sailing distance (Matsuyama – Hiroshima: 66.2 km), (Matsuyama – Kure: 48.8 km), (Hiroshima – Kure: 17.4 km)

Fare Table of Car Ferry (One-way fare per adult)

Adult Kure (Central pier) Hiroshima Port
Matsuyama Kanko Port 4,000 5,000
Kure Port (Central Pier) --- 1,000
Children half price